Turnkey Solutions

Transforming healthcare through digital strategy requires a customized approach. Because every environment is different, I work with your team to design customized solutions that are unique to your specific needs. With our vast network of forward-thinking industry experts, we assemble the right team of people and organizations - each of whom is well-versed in the digital strategies affecting healthcare to fill in capability gaps and ensure the project’s success.

With a vendor-agnostic point of view, we analyze your needs and develop a solution customized for you by offering solutions that span multiple disciplines as well as standalone digital strategy and digital patient-customer experience services. 

Mastering a Sustainable digital Footprint

After most health systems rapidly enabled digital solutions in a response to the pandemic, many organizations are now facing a need to transition from disparate digital solutions to a fully integrated digital experience or transformation strategy, aligned with strategic business goals and optimized around the new digital healthcare consumer.

We work with your health system to connect digital strategies across patient experience efforts, coordinating your IT, financial, clinical, strategy and marketing teams around a unified roadmap.

Top 5 benefits of mastering a sustainable digital footprint:

  1. Integrated online solutions aligned with the new patient-customer journey

  2. Recognized long-term ROI of your technology footprint

  3. Better coordination with the organization’s overall strategies to support growth, digital implementation, and experience strategy

  4. Increased adoption of digital tools across all stakeholders

  5. Well-developed KPIs from digital initiatives that provide relevant information about the organization’s overall growth and engagement strategies

DEVeloping your new digital front door(s)

The term “digital front door” has been used in the healthcare industry for years. However, many organizations’ approaches to developing a digital front door are widely disparate. Some focus on optimizing their websites through SEO, SEM, and other “owned” digital channels, while others concentrate on digitizing and improving call centers, online appointment scheduling, and access centers.

But the concept of a health system’s “digital front door” is neither solely digital nor just a front door.

The reality is that the new healthcare “patient-customers” engage with your health system through multiple touchpoints (many of them digital) – and at many different points in their overall journeys. And many of them are not even owned or operated by you. By helping you develop a new digital front door strategy, I can help you:

  • Understand the landscape of so-called “front doors” (digital or otherwise)

  • Align them to your key patient customers’ behaviors

  • Map out a cohesive approach to optimizing their entire online journey

Top 5 benefits of developing your new digital front door(s):

  1. Touchpoints lined up with the digital patient-customer journey.

  2. A unified enterprise-wide digital strategy

  3. Solid understanding and optimization of your marketing technology’s ROI.

  4. A digital-first mindset across the organization, including both culture and process

  5. Increased ability to measure and analyze digital performance, in line with systemwide measurement strategies

Becoming a Digital-First Organization

The goal of many healthcare organizations is to build a digital-first organization. In many cases, this is easier said than done. Often the focus is primarily on the technology footprint – ensuring there is an integrated technology stack that supports key business objectives and needs. However, becoming digital-first extends well past tools and technology. It takes a systemic approach that analyzes the organization’s interweaving components and builds a roadmap leading to digital-first transformation.

I review your organization’s data and analytical methods to help uncover insights that will shape and drive the transformation. We also assess your organization’s culture and processes, both of which are critically important and often overlooked. Lastly, I ensure the processes you are using to support your “digital-first” transformation are updated, efficient and able to help you maintain momentum through the change.

Top 5 benefits of becoming a digital-first organization:

  1. Increased relevance with your customers (both internal and external)

  2. Improved processes throughout the organization

  3. An organizational culture designed to strengthen digital-first mindsets

  4. Successful execution of business strategies

  5. Expanded opportunities for future innovation